Anti-corruption Measures

Idea Institute Inc. is working to prevent corruption in line with the principles of the UN Global Compact.

In the Code of Ethics and Conduct, which is a guide for the actions of officers and employees, if there is a conflict between corporate ethics and profit, it is stated that corporate ethics takes precedence, and actions that are counter to corporate ethics are absolutely prohibited. Any payment of money or goods or provision of services in breach of laws and regulation is also forbidden. In addition, provision or receipt of economic benefit that is thought to be inappropriate according to social norms, such as excessive entertainment, is forbidden. When providing or receiving entertainment, application must be made and management must be conducted in accordance with the Management Rules for Entertainment, etc., and there are special considerations for entertainment involving public servants, including foreign public servants.

In order to ensure prevention of corruption, we conduct education, such as ethics training for all employees, based on the Code of Ethics and Conduct and ethics regulations, and we conduct monitoring of provision and receipt of entertainment.

In fiscal 2022, there were no serious cases of breaches of laws relating to corruption prevention, etc., at Idea Institute Inc.

Idea Institute Inc. Anti-corruption Policy

Idea Institute Inc.
Anti-corruption Policy

Idea Institute Inc has instituted the following Anti-corruption Policy based on its corporate ethics. From a high ethical standpoint, we will work to prevent corruption, and ensure fair and healthy relationships with all stakeholders, including our customers.

  1. Prevent corruption
    Idea Institute Inc. will not provide or receive bribes in any form. Furthermore, illicit entertainment, gifts, benefits, or other advantage will not be granted or received beyond the extent considered appropriate by social norms.
  2. Management involvement
    The management of Idea Institute Inc. is aware of the importance of corporate ethics, and is responsible for setting an example for corruption prevention through its day-to-day activities.
  3. Compliance
    Idea Institute Inc. complies with laws and regulations relating to prevention of corruption that apply in the countries and regions in which it conducts business, including relevant domestic laws and regulations such as the Unfair Competition Prevention Act (Japan), the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (U.S.A.), the Bribery Act (U.K.), and the Commercial Bribery Rules (China), as well as international treaties.
  4. Management structure
    Idea Institute Inc. has established internal regulations, etc., relating to prevention of corruption, based on the relevant laws and regulations, periodically confirms compliance and effectiveness, and depending on the results, implements necessary measures, including revising the internal regulations, etc.
  5. Education and training
    Idea Institute Inc. conducts regular education and training relating to corruption prevention for all officers and employees, such as the prohibition of bribery and information concerning the whistleblower system.
  6. Reporting and whistleblower systems
    Idea Institute Inc. has established systems for reporting and whistleblowing by officers and employees relating to acts that contravene laws, regulations, or internal regulations, etc., relating to corruption prevention, or that may do so. We make sure to protect officers or employees who make reports or are whistleblowers so they do not incur any disadvantage.
  7. Handling of breaches
    If an officer or employee breaches a law, regulation, or internal regulation, etc., relating to corruption prevention, Idea Institute Inc. will deal with such officer or employee severely, based on internal regulations.
  8. Comprehension and penetration of this policy
    The officers and employees of Idea Institute Inc. fully comprehend this policy, and make annual pledges to comply with it.