Fully leveraging half a century of experience and results to propose the optimal manual production for your company


When it comes to manuals, the content can vary widely depending on what kind of product it is for and how it will be used.

Our stance on manual production is from the user’s perspective. We aim to provide the necessary information in an easily understandable manner from the product user’s standpoint. This starts with learning about users. We consider how the product will be used based on information from the manufacturer on the target users and their objectives in using the product. A manual’s explanatory approach varies depending on users’ product knowledge, whether the product is a familiar one or one with a completely new concept. We propose the optimal manual format, design, structure, and explanatory approach based on a thorough understanding of the product’s features obtained from information provided by designers and development materials. We also leverage our half a century of expertise in multilingual translation while incorporating new technologies to build a comprehensive manual production workflow.

We have even won awards with manufacturers in the annual manual contest organized by the Japan Technical Communicators Association, an affiliated organization.

Services and Fields Offered

  • Technical writing and production of manuals
  • Multilingual translation and production of manuals
  • Multilingual localization and operational checking of user interfaces (UIs), etc.

Digital equipment, audiovisual equipment (TVs, audio equipment, video cameras, digital cameras, DVD recorders, Blu-ray players, projectors, and smartphones), computer peripherals, software, machine tools, robotics, broadcasting equipment, printers, semiconductor manufacturing equipment, automobiles, optical equipment, medical devices, video-game software, and more

Standard Production Workflow

Order received/consultation with client

Acquisition of product reference
materials and specifications

Technical writing

Multilingual translation

Comparative checking
by professional checkers

DTP production

Checking by translation coordinator


*Details and sequence may vary depending on the content of the request.

Technical Writing


We can write manuals in both Japanese and English. We support not only translation from Japanese but also original technical writing in English. Close proximity between the writers of English manuals and the editors of multilingual translations makes it easy to assess when the specifications of the English manual are fixed and adjust the timing to start multilingual translation, as well as to respond smoothly to any changes in the English.

Multilingual Translation


Multilingual translation is one of our greatest strengths. We are capable of simultaneous localization of product manuals, help guides, user interfaces, and other texts in over 30 languages. Translation coordinators consistently manage processes in all languages, and production is also carried out in house, ensuring stable quality. For a single product, we can localize not only the manual for the product itself but also manuals for accessories and software as well as user interfaces. This allows us to accumulate product knowledge and maintain consistency of terms throughout.

Multilingual DTP


We also handle DTP for multilingual translations. You can rely on us for DTP of everything from bidirectional languages such as Arabic and Persian to southeast Asian languages such as Thai, Khmer, and Burmese, and even Indian languages with complex, difficult combinations of characters.

Quality Control System